IOS开发iOS自动布局解决警告Automatic Preferred Max Layout Width is not available on iOS versions prior to 8.010-12
iOS自动布局解决警告Automatic Preferred Max Layout Width is not available on iOS versions prior to 8.0
IOS开发Xcode7/IOS9请求出现App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://)09-18
App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app‘s Info.plist file.
p12证书制作,创建App ID,添加测试设备,云编译mobileprovision证书制作,Apple Watch对应mobileprovision证书制作,推送证书制作
IOS开发IOS-MJExtension MJCodinglmplementation一个单词解决模型类的自动归档解档08-21
IOS开发oc 字符串操作01-04
/--------操作字符串--NSString(静态字符串)--------------------- NSString *Beijing= @"北京欢迎您"; //字符串的声明 NSString *log=@"北京欢迎您a"; //[NSString stringWithFormat:@"I am '%@'&qu
创建一个字符串对象:NSstring * str1 = @\"hello\";
NSString * str = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:@\"hello world!\"];
NSString * str_1 = [[NSString alloc]initWithUTF8String:\"hello world\"];//把C的字符串转化为OC的字符串
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